為向 閣下提供更優質的服務,浪浪之家有限公司 (「本會」)致力保障 閣下的私隱。本會希望讓 閣下知悉本會收集什麼類別的資料及本會如何使用此等資料。本會收集及使用「非公開個人資料」從而以更有效及快捷的方式向本會的成員、善長、團體及客戶提供廣泛的教育及培訓課程、活動、募捐及比賽和其他服務。受限於 閣下明確的同意,本會可使用 閣下的「非公開個人資料」作直接促銷用途,包括但不限於教育及培訓課程、活動、募捐及比賽、會員及其他服務的推廣-惟 閣下有權選擇是否同意接收進一步的促銷資料。本會首要的原則是根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例(香港法例第486章)及本會的私隱政策處理 閣下的「非公開個人資料」。
本會可在下列來源收集 閣下的「非公開個人資料」:
本會從中請或其他表格收到有關 閣下的資料;
本會取得閣下的「非公開個人資料」從而向 閣下提供服務。
除在法律許可的情況下,在未取得 閣下明確的同意,本會不會向「屬會」或非屬會披露任何閣下的「非公開個人資料」作直接促銷。受限於 閣下明確的同意及香港法律的規定,本會向代表本會履行服務的個人及/或公司及向與本會有聯合行銷協議的培訓機構披露上述的「非公開個人資料」。
「本會之屬會」乃與本會有著共同的所有權及提供培訓、服務、發展及會籍產品 的公司。
若閣下不希望本會使用或向其他人士及/或公司提供 閣下的「非公開個人資料」作直接促銷, 閣下可通知本會以行使選擇退出權。
本會以嚴格保密的方式處理 閣下的「非公開個人資料」。本會只會在取得 閣下的明確同意及符合香港法律的情況下向其他人士及/或公司作出披露。這樣將會協助本會向 閣下提供產品及服務。本會根據本會既定的程式保障、實體及電子的保障措施維護 閣下的「非公開個人資料」。
根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例規定,個人有權要求查閱和改正其個人資料。倘若 閣下希望查閱或改正收錄於本會的個人資料,請以電郵(info@hfhd.org)方式查詢,閣下亦可以電郵(info@hfhd.org)方式查詢本會的私隱政策。
Home For Homeless Dog Company Limited Privacy Policy Statement
To better serve you, Home For Homeless Dog Company Limited ("HFHD") has a strong commitment to protecting your privacy. We wish to inform you what information we collect and how we use it. We collect and use "nonpublic personal information" in order to provide our members, donors, groups and customers with a broad range of education and training programmes, activities, fundraisings and competitions, membership and other services in an effective and convenient manner. Subject to your express consent, we may make use of your "nonpublic personal information" for our direct marketing activities, including but not limited to promotion of education and training programmes, activities, fundraisings and competitions and other services - but you always have the right to provide express consent as to your choice of receiving further marketing materials. Our overarching principle is to treat your "nonpublic personal information" in accordance with the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) and our Privacy Policy.
What Information We Collect and From Whom We Collect It
We may collect "nonpublic personal information" about you from the following sources:
Information we receive from you on applications or other forms;
Information about your participation in our activities, with our affiliates, or others; and
Information we receive from non-affiliated third parties, including but not limited to consumer reporting agencies.
We obtain "nonpublic personal information" about you for the purpose of providing services to you.
What Information We Disclose and To Whom We Disclose It
We do not disclose any "nonpublic personal information" about you to either our "affiliates" or non-affiliates for direct marketing without your express consent, except as permitted by law. Subject to your express consent and the requirement of the laws in Hong Kong, we may disclose the "nonpublic personal information" we collect, as described above, to persons and/or companies that perform services on our behalf and to other training institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements.
"Our affiliates" are companies with which we share common ownership and which offer training and development and membership products.
If you do not wish HFHD to use or provide to other persons and/or companies your "nonpublic personal information" for use in direct marketing, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying HFHD.
Our Security Procedures
We treat your "nonpublic personal information" with strict confidence. We only allow disclosure to persons and/or companies with your express consent and in compliance with the laws of Hong Kong and this will assist in providing products and services to you. We maintain and protect your "nonpublic personal information" in accordance with our established procedural safeguard and both physical and electronic security' measures.
Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, individuals have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data. Request for access to or correction of your personal information held by HFHD can be addressed to info@hfhd.org. Issues and/or enquiries in relation to our Privacy Policy should also be addressed to info@hfhd.org .