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Adoption Application



1. 領養人必須介乎25歲至65歲及持有香港身份證。

2. 必須確保住宅室內飼養、住所容許飼養動物及有足夠活動空間。不接受室外、店鋪、廠房、地盤飼養和放養。申請者可能需要提交有效的住址證明。
5. 本申請表所有收集的資料只供「浪浪之家」內部使用,並不會向第三者披露。


Hello, thank you for supporting adoption! Please fill in the following application form first. If the basic conditions are suitable, you can make an appointment to visit the dog you desire. If there is no designated dog, we can do a matching according to your preference. Thanks!


Please note that:
1. Adopters have to be aged between 25 to 65, and hold valid Hong Kong ID. 
2. It must be ensured that the adopted pet is kept indoors, the residence allows animals to be raised, and there is enough room for movement. Raising and grazing outdoors, shops, factories, and sites are not accepted. Applicants may require to provide the address proof.Applicants may require to provide HK identity card copy and address proof.
3. A home visit may be conducted by the "Home for Homeless Dog" (HFHD) volunteer with the applicant.
4. HFHD reserves the right to refuse any application for adoption without notice.
5. The information provided in this form will be used internally within the HFHD and will not be disclosed to any third party.


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