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生命教育系列之《抱抱浪浪分享會》Hug-a-Dog Sharing Talk


1 小
1,000 港元
Hong Kong


浪浪之家講者帶同浪浪大使到場安排講座,讓參與者認識現時香港流浪動物及保護動物的情況,以及推廣寵物買賣、領養不棄養、絕育的必要性等動保議題,傳達「與愛同行、守護浪浪」的理念。 只接受團體報名 (30人或以上); 最少2個月前預約; 講座約為一小時,包括演講及提問環節(每次最少30人);亦可增設與浪浪大使互動的環節約30分鐘。 《生命教育之抱抱浪浪分享會》概要如下: • 浪浪之家的介紹和工作 • 救援經歷分享 • 浪浪毛孩奮鬥故事 • 義工的日常 • 香港流浪動物的環境和情況 • 推廣領養代替購買 • 問題環節、參加者分享 • 與浪浪大使互動 (小組形式進行) • 大合照、問卷 * 內容可能需因應現場觀眾的反應和參與氣氛而作出調整 * 若希望調整內容和方式,歡迎與我們商討 (WhatsApp 94033036; email: ) 場地由 貴校/ 機構安排 或 我們代為物色合適的共享空間 * 建議場地有足夠空間進行互動(例如枱、椅可隨意調動),禮堂、活動室、有蓋操場等都是合適的地方。我們可視乎參加者人數和場地設備等設施安排浪浪大使和義工數量。 The "Hug-a-Dog Sharing Talk" is a life education event where the ambassadors are none other than the dogs themselves. These furry ambassadors, each with their unique stories, will accompany the speakers to provide an intimate and engaging session. The aim of this talk is to allow participants to get to know the current situation of stray and rescued animals in Hong Kong, while promoting the importance of animal welfare issues such as advocating for adoption instead of purchasing pets and emphasizing the significance of not abandoning animals. Through this event, we hope to convey the inspiring message of "Walking with Love, Guard the Homeless." Please note the following details for the event: - Only group registrations are accepted (30 people or more). - Reservations should be made at least 2 months in advance. - The talk lasts approximately one hour, including a speech and a Q&A session (with a minimum of 30 participants). An additional 30-minute interactive session with the dogs, where participants can engage and bond with them, can also be arranged. The outline of the "Hug-a-Dog Sharing Talk" is as follows: - Introduction and overview of Home for Homeless Dogs and its noble work. - Heartwarming stories of the dogs, each with their own journey of resilience. - Insights into the daily lives of volunteers and the impact they make. - Discussion on the environment and situation of stray animals in Hong Kong. - Promoting adoption as a compassionate alternative to purchasing pets. - Q&A session and sharing by participants. - Interactive session with the ambassadors (the dogs) where participants can experience their calm and gentle nature while hearing their individual stories. - Group photo and survey collection.


  • Tai Po, Hong Kong


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